Co2 Airsoft Guns in Cold Weather

Co2 Airsoft Guns in Cold Weather

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In that location is no doubtfulness that Green gas is the almost common of these 2. All the same, there are withal shooters who adopt the effect of a CO2 powered gun. Do yous want to know why?

The difference between CO2 and Greenish gas airsoft guns is in the propulsive result they give off when shot. CO2 which is purely carbon-dioxide gives off a powerful kick when shot giving it a stronger effect whereas Green gas which is made from Propane with silicone oil added gives off a softer merely however effective shot.


CO2 gas refers to pressurized Carbon-dioxide which unremarkably goes into a 12g canister that is almost the size of a thumb. This canister is so inserted into the mag of the pistol.

The gas has a span of 30-50 shots per cartridge which might seem little for some shooters. However, the shot from a CO2 gas gun is packed with lots of ability.


  • CO2 has a stronger FPSnCO2 performs ameliorate in colder environments than Green gas.nCO2 powered guns have a faster firing charge per unit


  • CO2 gas is more expensive than Green gas.nDue to the high-pressured nature of the gas, information technology is much harder on the gun which tin pb to impairment to the commodities or slide.


This is notwithstanding the most used gas by shooters due to its affordability. Greenish gas is made from propane with silicone oil added and the smell removed (ordinary propane has a smell which could be faltering to the shooter).  It usually comes in a bottle which is then filled into the magazine with the assistance of an adaptor.

Dark-green gas is filled directly into the magazine. This allows yous to get more than shots than you would when using the CO2 gas, but it also exposes your gun to reduced functionality in cold environments. Light-green gas is much easier on the gun and provides a course of lubricant to the gun when shots are taken which ensures that the gun lasts long and reduces the frequent need for maintenance.


  • Has a softer kick on the gun, making maintenance less frequently.nQuite affordable


  • It does not do well in common cold environmentsnNeeds to cool downwardly after continuous firingnIts power reduces as the gas reduces.

Co2 vs Green Gas

Light-green gas and CO 2 are the two main types of gas used to power gas airsoft guns. Which is better amongst the ii the depends on the preference of the shooter. With the aid of the table below, we will highlight the differences betwixt COtwo and Greenish gas.

CO2 Green Gas
Only the canister is filled upwardly with gas and then inserted into the magazine The whole magazine is filled with gas
Kicks much harder on the gun due to high pressure Kicks easier on the gun
Has a pressure level of about 12,000 psi Has a pressure of about 300 psi
Essentially fabricated of pressurized Carbon dioxide Substantially made from Propane with silicone oil added
Comes in $1 cartridge cylinders that tin shoot 50 shots Comes in a $fifteen bottle container that can shoot virtually 1800 shots
Won't concluding in long matches Can last in long matches
Quite expensive Quite affordable
In one case the CO2 capsules are open, they cannot be refilled and there is no indicator to testify the gas level Gas can always be topped up only by refilling from the canteen
CO2 gas guns tin be shot in rapid succession at constant velocity till the gas is exhausted Light-green gas guns tend to reduce in ability has the gas reduces
CO2 guns can shoot at a continuous constant velocity without experiencing much 'cool downwards' effect Dark-green gas experiences the 'cool-downwards' event after shooting in quick succession.
COtwo gas tanks come in portable sizes which allows for piece of cake refills during games Green gas usually comes in bigger, less portable containers.

It is important to notation that the cool-down effect refers to the gas and the mag getting cold subsequently continuous firing, which therefore reduces the ability of the gun.

It is also worth noting that Greenish gas pistols can run other variants of gases. These variants include loftier-pressure gases such as red gas and blackness gas and low-pressure level gases squeegee gas which offers fifty-fifty less stress on the internals of your gun than the standard dark-green gas.


Propane is dark-green gas without silicone oil which serves equally a lubricant for the gun. Propane gives off a olfactory property of Sulphur which most shooters won't exist comfy with.

Although it is cheaper than Dark-green gas, information technology increases the vesture on your gun due to the lack of lubricant. Information technology too has a stronger psi than regular Green gas.


Scarlet gas is tagged equally a cfc, which means it is a gas that contributes to the depletion of the Ozone layer. Information technology has even so been banned by the U.s. and many other countries.

Cherry gas was however made to make upward for the deficiencies other gases had in a colder environment. With ruby gas, there would not be a slowdown in the machinery of the gun when playing in cold regions.

In normal conditions, the cherry gas has an extremely loftier fps and would greatly increment the clothing on your gun.


This is a inexpensive and constructive variant of the green gas which offers an incredibly soft kick causing little to no stress on the internals of your gun.

Duster gas is compressed air which tin can exist used to clean electronic equipment that cannot be cleaned with h2o.

Blackness GAS

Black gas is seen as the highest pressured gas there is with very picayune guns being able to handle the kick it creates. The pressure from this gas is capable of destroying most airsoft guns after but a few minutes of use and information technology can cause real damage to the opponent on impact.

Black gas is quite suitable for employ in cold environments. Overall, it is non advisable to brand use of black gas when playing airsoft as this can crusade major damage to your gun and opponents.

Tin a COtwo Airsoft Guns Utilise Greenish Gas?

A lot of shooters frequently speculate on the possibilities of using CO2 to power a Greenish gas gun and several tests have shown that information technology is possible. However, due to the immense pressure level from CO2 and the delicate internal pattern of Greenish gas guns, the gun would wear downwards in no time.

Knowing this then begs the question; if COtwo shouldn't power a Green gas gun, can a CO2 Airsoft gun utilise Green gas?

Well for ordinary airsoft guns, the answer is no. The manner CO2 guns are designed, the pressure from the COtwo is essential to allow for the blowback procedure. The pressure level from Green gas is non strong enough to allow the gun office properly. However, some guns have been modified to allow this to happen.

A common example of a gun that has been modified to be able to accept either CO2 or Green gas magazine is the KJW M9A1.

Is green gas or co2 better for airsoft?

Do you similar to go for power, or yous like to be more conservative while playing? And so these preferences volition dictate the kind of airsoft gun you would pick. The conditions in which y'all are playing should also touch on your choice of gun.

And so, when trying to answer the question 'is Green gas or CO2 ameliorate for airsoft?' yous'll have to put into consideration the following factors: mode of game you are playing and the weather. COii is ameliorate for cold environments and fast-paced games while Green gas is ameliorate for long conservative games.

When playing a fast-paced and loftier press game, a COtwo gun may be a meliorate option due to its quick firing rate and high FPS. COtwo ­besides out-performs Green gas in cold environments given that the gas is stored in a canister which is and then inserted into the magazine as opposed to Green gas which is stored straight into the mag.

When playing long conservative games that require you to conserve your gas, then green gas might be a meliorate pick for the shooter. Light-green gas also offers a cheaper refill option which is an advantage that makes it popular amidst airsoft shooters.

What is the Difference Betwixt CO2 and Electric Airsoft Guns?

Electric guns are the most used types of airsoft guns amongst shooters. They unremarkably come packed with rechargeable batteries and a charger for the battery. About electric guns usually accept different selective modes that allow shooters to switch between full machine mode, semi-automatic and single fire modes.

The major difference between COii and Electric airsoft guns is that COii uses carbon-dioxide to power the gun while Electrical airsoft guns make use of rechargeable batteries. Coii guns require a abiding refill when gas is exhausted while Electric guns just crave the battery to be charged upwards and you are expert to become.

Beneath are the major differences between COtwo gas guns and Electric airsoft guns.

CO2 Guns Electrical Guns
It requires a constant refill of gas to function which could be expensive It functions on rechargeable batteries which is much cheaper
The functioning reduces when used in cold weathers The gun can function effectively in both hot and cold weathers
COii gas guns can shoot in full auto and semi-automated modes Electric guns can shoot in full motorcar, semi-motorcar, and single fire modes
It is not affected by wet weather condition weather condition The performance is afflicted past wet atmospheric condition conditions due to its electrical nature.

Asides the obvious difference in these two guns, they are quite similar in terms of aesthetics and accessory upgradability.

Which is better CO2 or electric airsoft guns?

Electric airsoft guns are by far the almost pop of all the types of airsoft guns, but this does non mean that they are the all-time option. Deciding which is better of the two depends on the shooter and their preference.

Asides the fact that refilling CO2 gas might be a bit expensive, a CO2 gas gun will present itself every bit a amend pick when compared to an electric gun given its better range, accuracy, and FPS. However, an electric gun as a quicker trigger response and firing rate.

So, the choice is yours. Do you desire range, accurateness, and power, or exercise yous adopt the ease and a quick-firing rate?


Gas guns like the COtwo and Green gas are mutual picks amidst shooters because of the realism gotten from the blowback system.

The blowback arrangement is a process when pneumatic potential energy stored within compressed gas drives the propulsion of the BB bullets which simulates a recoil.

Do you want to know how this blowback procedure works? Then read our commodity on 'How practice CO2 Airsoft guns work?'.

Gas-powered guns can be seen to work differently from spring and electric airsoft, but this difference makes it unique. What do yous recall?

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Co2 Airsoft Guns in Cold Weather

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